Sunday, September 21, 2014

First in a series - Morgan and Jay and startling insights on Craig

Jay Gell

Shared publicly  -  Jan 3, 2013

'Monster Psychopath Monday Pillsbury-Foster is asking for her fingers to be shattered to prevent any possibility of standing anyone else on the internet ever again.'

Bridges Cir, Kings Mountain, North Carolina

The quote above, which appears today, September 20, 2014, on his Google page. As you can see, this is a threat of violence against me for daring to defend myself from the outrageous falsehoods told by Jay, the husband of, Morgan, an estranged relative, and the several individuals who joined with them to cover up the original conspiracy to deny me a fair share of marital assets from a divorce which occurred in 1999.

Morgan also has a google page. 
morgan gell   And you will find even more on her at How The NeoCons Stole Freedom
Shared publicly  -  Sep 13, 2014  and August 8, 2024


Actually, I have written 115 columns for the Star Beacon on a broad range of subjects, including psychopathy, psivampires, local history, world events, elections, and more. I'm also a columnist for the Lone Star Iconoclast, an award winning publication which garnered respect for its courageous editorial endorsing Kerry in 2004.  You can read these at Observations from Melinda's World.  

Morgan keeps repeating the same lies in all caps, bolded, without any proof. This is the equivalent of yelling in the belief those reading will be convinced despite the lack of proof offered. Curiously, this was the technique Morgan used to get her way as a small child and later as a woman. It was emotionally traumatic to be subjected to her tantrums. She would follow me around the house screaming and demanding I give her what she wanted. I should have cut her off then.  But psychopaths never learn, they just change those they victimize.  

Many people get degrees in journalism. Many do not. This includes such individuals as John Fund, who snagged a job at the Wall Street Journal after dropping out of college as an under graduate.

I do serious journalism but this does not pay well, especially today. I do have a high school diploma, for what that is worth, which is not much. Morgan does not possess such an irrelevant piece of paper – but she can yell in print.

If I can't write why did she harangue me for two weeks, telling me she would never manage to find a husband if I did not create the appearance she could think by writing her emails to Eugene Volokh. I also loaned her part, a small part, of my library of books all of which I had read.

Immediately, Eugene was impressed and asked her out. The books loaned to her, which I requested she read, were parked on shelves. Clearly, she never cracked a single one of them.

After two and a half years Eugene dumped her. In other words, he wised up and escaped. That is why she jumped into bed with John Fund. Could have just as well been Craig, I suppose. She was not picky.

Now, back to the real issue here. These two highly disordered individuals are extremely annoyed that I manage to out write and out think them. They are attempting to stop me from writing about the the Franklin-O'Dowd conspiracy of 1998 – 1999 and about the acts of treason by the Bush Administration in 2002.

GREED – The NeoConning of America, which I originally wrote in 2004 in an attempt to alert Americans to what had happened has been reissued with updates and a focus on the common neurological characteristics of the individuals here named.

Read GREED – The NeoConning of America, The Real Story, available on Amazon in print and as an e-book.

All of the individuals named demonstrate highly psychopathic characteristics.

These are summarized by Dr. Robert Hare HERE

In short: 
Jay and Morgan, who the last I knew, were on welfare and drawing food stamps, are very willing to slander and libel me in the hope this would lead to remuneration by Craig or someone else with a strong motive to silence me. 
UPDATE  2024 - - Jay left Morgan some years ago, I think about the time he could no longer get relief support for their two kids.  Jacob received a scholarship and is in college.  Gabriel seems to have disappeared from sight. I pray he is alright.  

Morgan had done exactly this during the 1998 – 1999 divorce in Santa Barbara. Craig, my estranged husband, paid her $5,000 a month for this service. The record of transfers of funds was revealed during discovery as part of the divorce. Also, Morgan admitted this in a declaration.

My oldest son, Arthur Foster, is completely disabled. I am his caretaker. I went to court to get a conservatorship when we thought he had a trust fund which would need to be overseen. In fact, he had spent the money, intended for his college on a motorcycle. I do not approve of motorcycles so, naturally, he did not tell me this.
Since there is no need for a conservatorship when you are caring for a family member I did not renew it. At the time it ran out, 2007, I was providing all of Arthur's support myself.

Arthur Foster
November 28, 1999 & May 8, 2009
August 4, 2009

May 20, 1998 & December 10, 2008


Notice this is a downloaded copy from the now defunct John Fund site. Since it has been in the public view continually from the date he put the site up, June, 2003, until around May of this year, eleven years, let's assume multiple copies exist from this same source. 
Pages 8 - 14 
Page 8 – Admits to witnessing battery on Melinda by Craig, January 1997 
Pages 23 - 30
Page 23 – Morgan admits talking to Craig and reinforcing his assertion Melinda is an evil person. This section illustrates the ability of psychopaths to redesign reality to suit their purposes.
Page 25 – Provides the figure $5,000 a month for what Craig is giving her to help him with his divorce from Melinda.

Page 26 – Morgan admits she was not working during this period. Craig was her only source of income. Then Craig forces her to sign a loan agreement for money she calls a gift which was actually payment for helping with his divorce against her own mother, Melinda. 
Page 27 – Morgan states there was no amount on the loan agreement she signed. She agreed to pay 15% interest on money already received by her in the belief the payments could continue. She never received another payment after signing. 
Craig begins demanding Morgan introduce him to women. This reveals a pattern in Craig's behavior as he will do the same with Anne Fisher after making sure she is on the hook financially to him when he broke his promises to her. 
Page 28 – Morgan is asked if she feels obligated to pay Craig back. She responds, no she does not because he began pressuring her for sex at this time. 
Page 29 – Morgan states she realized Craig was using her to get back at Melinda. She outlines how Craig pressured her for introductions to men she knew who could be useful to him. She says she found him an attorney for the same reason. Morgan found Misho for Craig in late 1997 so this cannot be accurate for time. 
Craig bragged to his friends John Fund was a friend of his and they had dinner in New York. Morgan says this was a lie. In the early 90s Craig demanded I get John to publish an article he had written in the Wall Street Journal. I had read the article and knew it was no publishable. It was more fantasy than reality and the subject was Russian – American relations. 
This is another parallel. 
Morgan goes on to say Craig wanted her to find a “20-something, blond, blue-eyed woman who was going to cater to his every whim.” This is still a recurring theme in Craig's sexual fantasies. What he does not intimate, which comes out later, is his wish to impregnate such a woman so she will have a daughter he can molest.

Pages 30 - 38
Page 30
Morgan responds to questions about the phone conversation she had with Craig in October of 1999 made to prove to Melinda that Craig had lied and manipulated the stock options due to her during the divorce. 
Morgan admits she has told so many lies, “too many to name,” she has to use these methods so I will believe her. 
Page 31 – Morgan admits she lied to Melinda about having a heart problem but 'forgets' the circumstances when she did this. This took place when she was attempting to persuade Melinda to turn off her brother Arthur's life support in March of 1998. 
Morgan states Craig gave her $10,000 for a heart procedure. But Craig actually paid this money to ensure Arthur did not survive. This is something Morgan does not want on the record. 
Page 34 – Morgan states she felt creepy when Craig would talk to her about his sexual fantasies about her and her sisters. These are 'fantasies' I learned only after Craig left me he tried to live out.  It is likely if one of the girls had become the mother of a daughter herself, he would try to live out his incest fantasy with the next generation.  

Craig's son from his first marriage, Jonathan Scott Franklin, was convicted for hiring a hitman to kill his wife on  May 27, 2010, in Marysville, California.  He was to serve ten years to life. Scott had been one of the participants in the conference calls during the divorce as the group of them, which included Morgan, Jonathan Scott, Michael Emerling Cloud, perhaps Dan O'Dowd, and Craig discussed hiring a hitman to kill me.  

Craig's first action upon discovering his son, Scott, was not out of the way was to attempt to hire Jacqueline Misho to get him unsupervised visitation with his granddaughter, then eight years old.  Craig ignored the existence of his grandson, two years older.  

Psychopaths keep their eye of the goal.  Extraneous things, like the well being of those of no use to them, are dismissed like so much trash. 

Pages 39 - 46  
Page 40 – 41 – Morgan explains she signed the loan agreement while in Jackie Misho's office in Santa Barbara. She states she signed because she felt intimidated. Morgan again states she has borderline personality disorder. 

What Morgan did not mention in this deposition, because I could not interject and my attorney forgot, was the last paper Morgan was asked to sign attesting, fraudulently, that Craig had never tried to have sex with her.  He was thinking ahead.  
Pages 46 - 50 
page 46 – 47 - I stopped writing Morgan checks because Craig had demanded I do so in September of 1997. He insisted we taper off supporting her. This shocked me because I had suggested we insist she get a job or finish college even while we were having financial problems, which I later discovered Craig had caused by not filing his tax returns. By this time money was no problem. I believe this was manipulation to make Morgan angry with me so he could use her for his own purposes. 
Page 49 – Form for the individual giving the deposition to sign certifying they have read and corrected the deposition. The document is unsigned.I think it goes without saying this proves no signed copy ever existed and makes GHS, Craig, John Fund, and his co-conspirators guilt of a crime.   

Below is a transcript of one of the conversations with Craig Morgan recorded.

The document is not long, but contains the admission of fraud. 

After the Deposition 

Around February 23, 2001 Morgan filed bankruptcy in Santa Barbara to clear the issue of the coerced promissory note from Craig and other debts she could not pay.  

On May 23, 2001 Craig filed a COMPLAINT to stop her from clearing the issue of the coerced promissory note.  In the motion he mentions more money he gave Morgan.  Since we know that Craig routinely hands over about $5,000 a month to women who he wants to be available to him sexually.  Morgan believed the money was payment for the assistance she was giving Craig to defraud Melinda and also kill her.  

Craig never gives away money without expecting to get something of value to him.  Destroying Melinda and securing all of the marital assets was of enormous value to him so it seems petty that he would also insist on getting sex.  But Craig is a psychopath and so this was a natural move for him.  

Morgan was part of the conspiracy which Morgan admits to in the response below.   This is an example of what happens when psychopaths collide instead of cooperating. 

On August 27, 2001 Morgan responded to a RESPONSE filed by Franklin to stop her from declaring bankruptcy on the promissory note she had signed under duress.

This document is well worth reading for the shock value.  The document names Dan O'Dowd, Michael (Emerling) Cloud as co-conspirators with Craig.  The document was produced by We The People, a legal service in Santa Barbara at the time, using statements from Morgan.  The document is signed by Morgan, the Debtor and Defendant.  

January 15, 2003 - Franklin Complaint Dismissal

Very brief.  Too  bad the judge and those reading the documents did not comment for posterity.  

October 6, 2003 - Letter to the IRS on Craig's fraud  

This short statement repeats some of the events Morgan admitted to in her Deposition but also quotes Craig telling her he needed the promissory note to commit fraud against the IRS by declaring this a bad debt.  The IRS failed to take action and I think a petition would be in order on these issues demanding the whole conspiracy be investigated by a joint committee from Congress and the Department of Justice and the Supreme Court. 

Perhaps we can still do something about Rove, Cheney and Bush.  Wouldn't that be nice?   

Saturday, August 23, 2014


The Path to Wealth constructed using deceit and violence. 

                Americans today are up-in-arms over the revelations daily  breaking on the greedy individuals who are eating us alive through corporations and through government.  This is one such story which illustrates how easily the unethical deceive and steal from those who trusted in the integrity of our courts, government, and those who run corporations.  In the story of one corporation you see the fate shared by all Americans. 

               The Saga of Greedville plays out in Santa Barbara, the smallish, upscale, resort town resting on the coast 90 miles north of teeming Los Angeles.  The town is inhabited by  people who are enormously wealthy, and like the rest of America, a shrinking middle-class, who struggle to survive as America melts down, on its way to becoming a third-world country.
                 Greedville, in real life, is Green Hills Software, Inc. Their Saga shows you how psychopaths, cooperatively, rewrote the rules for every institution on which we rely.  The Housing Bubble, the Commodity Bubble, the destruction of the middle-class, the dislocation of families through foreclosure, and more, each have revealed to Americans how their wealth was stolen by those who ignored the law and simple decency for their own profit, just like the principals of Green Hills Software, Inc. in their smaller world. 

                  As you follow the story you see who won, who lost, and what happens when there is a lack of integrity because highly intelligent psychopaths are involved.  

                  At any time in a country the size of America there are 20,000 psychopaths with I.Q.s over 180.  Smart psychopaths are far more dangerous than stupid ones.  

                   At the left, front, in the header, you see Craig Franklin with a rose in his teeth.  Craig is Senior Vice-President for Green Hills Software, Inc.  Craig's fantasies only incidentally included money. 

                  On the right, front, in the header, you see Dan O'Dowd, President of Green Hills Software, Inc., who needed Craig to help him achieve his own fantasy of power and success.                   
                 Psychopaths, and those useful to them, won. This includes Dan and Craig. Dan became immensely wealthy. Craig was able to feed his most lurid sexual fantasies. Their success, touted to the world, fails to tell the real story of avarice, sexual perversion, the failure of conscience which accompany these corporate events. 

                  The second group lost.  Not understanding psychopathy was a pivotal factor here, as it has been across American.   This is a cautionary story for the vast majority of us who are normal, who love, trust, and want the best for others. 

                  America has become a nation continually at war. Green Hills Software and its main product, a software program ironically called, "INTEGRITY," drive the weapons of war.  Green Hills Software, Inc. is a government contractor, providing sensitive encryption and weapons systems to the U. S. Military.  

                 As with Wall Street, when the rules are ignored and suborned for the profit of those without conscience, money changes hands.. Lives are destroyed. The greedy, bloated with feeding, move on for more.  It is happening everywhere we look. It happened in Santa Barbara, behind the seemingly clean doors of Green Hills Software, Inc.
The Saga of Greedville starts HERE.  

See the workman putting up the sign on February 22, 2011!

About Integrity:  

Read the definition of the word below.  Let the astonishing gall  shown by Dan O'Dowd in naming his computer program INTEGRITY sink in.  Psychopaths are inherently deceitful. 
                   Dan recently attempted to evade the reports of moral and ethical turpitude filed against him and Green Hills Software, Inc., with various governmental entities by starting another corporation called INTEGRITY, headed by two of his vice-presidents who knew perfectly well what the deal was and profited far beyond their expectations.  
One entry found.

Main Entry: in·teg·ri·ty
Pronunciation: \in-ˈte-grə-tē\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English integrite, from Middle French & Latin; Middle French integrité, from Latin integritat-, integritas, from integr-, integer entire
Date: 14th century
1 : firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values : incorruptibility
2 : an unimpaired condition : soundness
3 : the quality or state of being complete or undivided : completeness
synonyms see honesty
 Psychopathy  We need to recognize psychopaths if we are to save the future for our children.  If we fail those without conscience will continue to prey on those we love with impunity.  
    Psychopaths cannot be treated.  The condition is not psychological.  It is caused by deformations in the neurobiology of the individual. 

Greed Line Tee Shirts now available.  Buy one for your Tour
  The Tour for Santa Barbara is now open.  

     If you are interested in starting a business to provide an on-the-ground Tour for Greedville, get in touch. 
     Viewing the guilty delivers message and Santa Barbara is a great place to do it!   CONTACT
Updates:  From the Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy
For Dr. Liane Leedom, understanding the big picture of psychopathy means understanding what these exploiters do to family members.
Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy meeting highlights: Researching victimization

TIME Magazine

Sex, Lies, Arrogance: What Makes Powerful Men Behave So Badly?

Indicators to look for in identifying psychopaths. 
Dr. Robert Hare and others have designed tests, to be given by trained professionals, which are now used in many courts of law and books have been written to help individuals identify and avoid psychopaths. 
The list of attributes on which there is unified agreement includes callousness, lack of empathy, and risk-taking, which to quote an article titled, "Socially Challenged," from the Economist, "The combination of a propensity for impulsive risk-taking with a lack of guilt and shame (the two main characteristics of psychopathy) may lead, according to circumstances, to a criminal career or a business one."
Discussion of these issues is now moving into the mainstream, which should result in testing, as suggested by Dr. Hare, of those in government and the boardrooms of America as more cases surface. 

When Psychopaths Cooperate - The Story of Craig Franklin and Dan O'Dowd

June 17, 2011


Advances in brain science are calling into question the volition behind many criminal acts. A leading neuroscientist describes how the foundations of our criminal-justice system are beginning to crumble, and proposes a new way forward for law and order.

(NOTE:  This article is not explicitly on psychopathy but on the constellation of conditions of which psychopathy is a part.  Understanding the condition is a necessary pre-condition for determining treatment and/or punishment up to and including life inprisionment and execution.)

A Neuroscientist Uncovers A Dark Secret

First in a three-part series
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